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first draft: done!

Updated: May 19, 2022

an open book, text unreadable. it has a red hardcover and appears to be just prose.

It's been in the works for several years at this point, but the first draft of my manuscript is done. It's just over 100,000 words, and although it needs a whole host of editing and rewriting, I'm crazy proud of it!

It started off as a fanfiction—as most things do with fandom millennials, I'd say—and it has grown from there, from a 28k words long exercise in my love for vampires to this. It's taken over my whole life recently, I've been drawing my characters, listening to anything post-apocalyptic and otherworldly and writing everything about them. The fun thing about vampires is there are centuries of backstory and interesting storylines to work on.

Thankfully I have a whole host of dear friends whom I trust to give me some much valued feedback, then it's time to edit, and edit, and edit again!

In the meantime, I'm letting it breathe a little, aerate like a good wine, and it seems like a good time to work on the next chapter of my fanfic baby. A new chapter is coming soon, it's half-written and has some of my favourite moments between the two boys.

For now, look out for some mediocre character sketches by yours truly, and some much less mediocre snippets of Taste. I'm so excited to share this with you all, these characters and this story are so dear to me.

Drink up, friends, it's a real buzz.


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