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the human...

Espen, our love interest, survives amongst the greenery of this world post-Gaia. It's far from easy. but it's all he's known, hardened and sharpened against this world. He knows only survival, and there are a few things he's learned over the years to make surviving just a little easier.

A chance meeting with a vampire in the woods years ago had changed the path of his life, and perhaps it's his adaptability coming from this livelihood but Espen adapts so beautifully, takes this all in his stride. That is until he meets Brennan at the beginning of our story.

Brash and petulant, Espen manages to captivate Brennan in a way the vampire could not anticipate, even with his decades of experience. Flush with blood and tempting in every way possible, Brennan becomes obsessed with this pretty blood-bag and finds nothing will stop him from getting what he wants.

Only, Espen puts up a fight himself. This post-Gaia human won't take things lying down, and if Brennan's whims don't suit him, he's sure to let him know. Filled with everything he craves, there's only so much Brennan can resist the allure of him before the beast rears its ugly head and wants—demands—a Taste.

Rest assured, friends, this is a love story, but one that bites.


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Well, since I've spoken to you last I've written another novel. It's taken me by the throat and I've been writing furiously, and now I can present to you Hometown Girl: a queer romance following Saoir

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