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the trio...

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

Fionn is Brennan's brother, in blood and more. Raised together in neighbouring families three centuries ago, the vampires share a sire.

Laidback and friendly, Fionn takes no shit from his brother, or anyone else. He's laidback right until he isn't, drawing the line quickly when his family is threatened.

Fionn knows Brennan better than anyone or anything else, alive or not, in this world, and he's not afraid to put his foot down when Brennan is being his usual histrionic self.

Maeve was a washerwoman Fionn fell in love with just as soon as he set eyes on her. She took to their un-life eagerly and easily, Fionn's soulmate.

Now, as a vampire, Maeve is an unstoppable force of nature. Her favourite prey, pre-Gaia, were the gambling halls and casinos of Prohibition and onwards.

She's quick-witted, sharp and unrelenting, but curious about the humanity she sees around her.

Aidan is the youngest vampire of their group, going through the turning around fifty years after Maeve, if memory serves.

Both Fionn and Maeve were smitten with him just as soon as they saw him and Aidan was eager to leave the family he was drowning under the expectations of.

Truly the cub of the family, Aidan will happily tease and prod at the other three, calling Brennan grandfather.

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